I’m happy to announce this new Extended Study Program: Clinical Specialties and Practitioner Development to begin March 2021.
Having taught Chinese medicine for many years both in and outside of the CM Colleges, it became clear that what is most needed (and most often requested) is a program that addresses three areas: 1. More clinical training 2. Deeper knowledge of specialty practice 3. Perspective that allows for the integration of western medical concepts into a Chinese medical paradigm without diminishing or oversimplifying the depths, complexity and explanatory power of Chinese medicine
This program was designed to meet these needs. It is a ten month opportunity for practitioners, newly graduated or established, to find the confidence required to treat difficult and complex cases.
The Clinical Training One of the problems most graduates face is a lack of sufficient clinical training. In a positive and constructive atmosphere, the clinical training will take place in twice monthly meeting where we will discuss case studies in depth. Students will have an opportunity to present their own cases and I will provide case examples from my own practice. We will have a special focus on tongue diagnosis. I have found that teaching online lends itself particularly well to teaching tongue diagnosis. I have cataloged thousands of patient tongue pictures over the years and the current technology allows for simple and high quality presentations that facilitate study.
This time will also be spent honing our diagnostic skills through sharpening our clinical reasoning and pattern differentiation. It is easy to get overwhelmed with clinical information. Knowing how to see the big picture and organize the myriad particulars into a coherent treatment plan is a skill. It can be practiced and learned. I will present my method for thinking through complex and difficult cases. We will then have opportunities throughout the program to practice this crucial skill of clinical discernment.
Having structured time to discuss and analyze cases in a supportive environment is an invaluable developmental opportunity.
Specialty Study Most of us graduate from school as “general practitioners” and most CM schools do not provide sufficient education in medical specialties. This program is an opportunity to go through a “rotation” of important specialties. Some of specialties, like GYN/Fu Ke and External Medicine/Wai Ke have a long history in Chinese medicine. Others like Endocrinology/Neifenmi Xue and Oncology/Zhongliu Ke represent important areas of integrative medicine in our practices.
The specialties in this program are the ones in which I have the most training and clinical experience. It is important to me that complex theory is rooted in clinical experience, so the program focuses on the conditions that I most often see in my own practice.
Studying specialties gives an opportunity to take deep dives into fundamental “parts” in order to see the “whole” with more clarity. Specialties also provide us with critical insights that offer us new treatment strategies to engage difficult and complex cases.
Integrative Medicine One of the greatest challenges we face is to integrate with Western medicine without losing the integrity of Chinese medicine. This is possible if we have a grasp of the depth and flexibility of Chinese medicine, on the one hand, and sufficient knowledge of Western medical concepts, anatomy and physiology on the other. The program focuses on integrating Western medical diagnoses into Chinese medicine concepts. Chinese medicine provides us with a complex and beautiful “macroscopic” vision of the cosmos that allows us to situate the “microscopic” discoveries of modern science. Most of our patients come into our clinics with Western medical diagnoses. Having an understanding, and more importantly, a method for analyzing Western medical diseases through a Chinese medical paradigm is an essential skill in contemporary practice.
After practicing and teaching for over two decades I still consider this medicine to a be wonder and precious gift. I hope we have a chance to study together and contribute to this current of healing in the world.