This weekend focuses on the physiology and patho-mechanisms of Qi. We will explore how scent, taste, and shapes of different herbs affect the movement of Qi in different parts of the body. Multiple treatment strategies, from classical to contemporary sources will be presented.
The difference between prenatal and postnatal tonification in treatment will be clarified.
Tongue diagnosis is highlighted as a window into the Qi dynamics.
Modes of Qi stagnation & their correlation to different herbs
Levels of Tonification of Qi: Wei/Ying/Yuan
Types of Qi and their corresponding treatment strategies: Gu, Zong, Zhen, Zheng
Key Formulas that teach us the requirements of successful treatment of Qi disorders
Clinical Integration: Tongue and Pulse and Facial Diagnosis (Linking specific herbs to pulse images)
Paozhi: processing herbs to effect the Qi and it’s vectors of movement